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Eggnog Crepes


Updated: Dec 18, 2023

These eggnog crepes are so delicious! Great eggnog flavor and you can put anything you want on or in them!

1/3 Cup All-Purpose Flour

1/3 Cup Eggnog (non-alcoholic)

1/4 Cup Whole Milk

1-3 Tbsp Water (as needed to thin out batter)

1 Egg

1 Tsp Vanilla

1 Tbsp Melted Butter


10" Non-stick frying pan (You can use a larger pan, but know you'll need to increase the amount of batter in the pan)



Step 1:

In a bowl, combine flour, eggnog, milk, egg and vanilla. The mixture will be lumpy at first, but whisk until smoother. Melt butter in the pan then pour into batter and whisk. Typically with crepes you're looking for a thin, almost wattery batter, but with the eggnog it will be slightly thicker than normal. I wound up adding about two tablespoons of water.

Step 2:

Heat pan to medium-high heat. Using a 1/4 cup measure, pour the batter into the pan at an angle then rotate pan to coat. You can spoon it little bits of batter to fill in any holes. Also know, the first crepe never seems to turn out pretty, but it will still taste good. Once the top of the crepe looks mostly dry and the edges slightly brown, flip the crepe and cook for about 30 seconds or until you see light brown patches. ***If you notice them getting too brown, lower the heat***

Step 3:

Fold or roll crepes in shapes you want. Fill or top with any fillings, whipped cream, ice cream, chocolate, etc... I used caramel sauce and vanilla ice cream.



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