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Cold Brew Concentrate


Updated: May 25, 2023

Personally, I feel cold brew concentrate is the best way to enjoy coffee. It has less acidity and bolder flavor without being bitter. It's very similar to making an Americano where you take a shot of espresso and adding water.

You can customize the ratio to suite your taste, but the ratio for a standard cup of coffee is 2 parts water to 1 part coffee. Example: 2 oz water(or milk for more of a latte style) to 1 oz of concentrate and then add your creamer of choice.

Some of my favorite coffees to use that can arrive ground for cold brew:

Riposo coffee which I used from my video:

Cameron's Coffee on Amazon:

As with any type of coffee you do need to purchase a maker designed for his. I've been using mine for over ten years and I don't know another brand, but feel free to use any other that makes concentrate.

***Be clear that there are cold brew coffee makers and that's not the same as making concentrate.***


12 oz. COARSE ground coffee. (similar to what you'd use for french press)

7 cups water (not hot)


Cold brew concentrate maker


  • Place topper on the bottom of the bucket

  • Place filter on the inside/bottom part of the bucket

  • Insert filter bag into the bucket

  • Place coffee grounds inside the bag

  • Pour in water

  • Stir

  • Twist to close bag (If you have fruit flies in your kitchen, I recommend covering the maker)

  • Let sit 12 to 24 hours (This comes with some testing to see what your desired tastes are, but the longer the better. I typically do 16 hours)

  • The next day, place bucket over carafe, remove stopper and allow to drain. The bulk will come out fairly fast, but let sit for around two hours to get as much as possible.



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