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Canelés De Bordeaux


Canelés (Cannelés) are a caramelized rum custard pastry. This recipe comes from Ferrandi.


2 Cups (500ml) Whole Milk divided (375ml and 125ml)

1 Vanilla Bean, split lengthwise and seeds scraped out

1/2 Stick Unsalted Butter (50G)

1 1/4 C Confectioners Sugar (250G)

3/4 C + 2 tbsp (100G) Flour

2 Eggs (1/2C or 100G) lightly beaten

2 Egg Yolks or 40G

3 tbsp Rum

Tools: For the molds, there are three options: the traditional copper molds (these are pricey), silicon (which won't quite caramelize the level we want, but are fine) or carbon steel like I used.

Step 1:

In a sauce pan add the 375ml milk and vanilla bean. Bring to a boil, then add butter and stir until melted. Remove from heat and cover. Allow to cool around ten to fifteen minutes or until 175F or lower. Remove the vanilla pods.

Step 2:

In a bowl, sift flour, sugar and stir in 125ml cold milk. Stir until combined. It will turn into almost what looks like an icing. Next, mix in the warm milk mixture and once combined, add in your eggs, mix until just combined then stir in rum. Cover and refrigerate for twenty-four hours.

Step 3:

Preheat oven to 425F. Whisk the batter as it will be slightly separated. Once combined it will almost resemble an egg nog texture. Spray the pan with non-stick spray and pour enough batter so that there's about 1/4 inch gap from the top. Bake for 45 to 50 minutes. You want the bottoms to almost completely brown. A little light color is fine.

Step 4:

Once removed from the oven, turn the pastries out onto a rack right away. Do not wait to cool to do this. Once removed, let cool completely to room temperature before eating.



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